Western Australia

Dec 26, 2022

Around December each year, the Moodjar Christmas tree, flames into bright orange flower around the south-west regions of Western Australia.

If you sat under the shade near a Moodjar tree, it would sing a soothing melody through the winds.

Perth is the capital and largest city of the Australian state of Western Australia.

Perth 的公共交通有自己独特的一套系统 — — 火车下车前需要提前按按钮否则们不会打开

Discover Kings Park

Wander amongst Western Australia’s unique native flora and discover the diversity of plants from the Kimberley to the Great Southern.

Christmas Light Trail

LOT 4059 Wellington Mill Road, Wellington Mill, Western Australia 6236


Heading to Rottnest

A straight drive from Perth to Geraldton takes about five hours driving up the picturesque Indian Ocean Drive.

